Addiction sucks the health, wealth and happiness out of your life. You are the only one who misses out. Want to change that? Addiction doctors are here to help you. In Australia, you can even have all your visits bulk billed.
If you don’t turn your life around, you could die. No fun, no nice guys, and no great chicks. Drugs make you feel good for a short time. Don’t miss out on the real fun that keeps on, keeping on.
You can make a decision, that makes a difference. And doctors will be there for you. This site aims to do a few things.
- Introduce you to addiction medicine.
- Introduce you to Us.
- Introduce you to the Medications we use.
- Introduce you to the Evidence- why governments around the world set up and fund these programs. People do better on programmes than - trying to be strong and stopping. Stopiing your addiction medicine only guarantees that you can start "Using" gain at lower cost- not that you stay off drugs. Family members and partners need to realise this.
- Show you how you as a family can get involved. It's not all about drugs for addiction. People have a big role to play as well. Users stop using because of the people around them."Users" deciding to stay off drugs is critical, but it is the people around them that keep them off drugs, long term.
Our clinic and times. Helping with Drug Problems
We specialise in helping you to overcome addiction to:
OxyContin and Oxycodone
but what we do and know is relevant to other drugs as well.
Being addicted to drugs is common. By being on a program, you can start on the road back to a normal life. We have helped lots of people to improve their finances, improve their health, and to avoid prison and punishment. We have helped people to keep their jobs and their partners. Don’t let drugs make you miss out on the good life. Having a drug problem doesn’t mean you have to be a loser.
Currently, we have ceased operating
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